Removal of Article 625.3, 2011 NEC

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Cocoa, Florida
I did a couple of Forum and Internet searches and didn't find anything on this. While doing research, I noticed that Article 625.3 had been dropped in the 2011 NEC, 625.3 specifically said:

"625.3 Other Articles. Wherever the requirements of other articles of this Code and Article 625 differ, the requirements of Article 625 shall apply."

Seems like this could be the proverbial can of worms and I can't help but wonder why the committee would do this...maybe I'm over reacting. NFPA seems to require that I would become a member to ask why they would do this, so maybe someone on the forum could help.

Does anyone have any thoughts on why the committee did this or have any past experience with a similar situation and its consequences?

12-52 Log #2805 NEC-P12 Final Action: Accept (625.3)
Submitter: James W. Carpenter, International Association of Electrical
Recommendation: Delete this section and associated text
625.3 Other Articles.
Wherever the requirements of other articles of this Code and Article 625
differ, the requirements of Article 625 shall apply.
Substantiation: NEC 90.3 indicates Chapters 1 - 4 apply generally and
Chapters 5, 6, and 7 supplement or modify the general requirements. The text
in 625.3 repeats the requirement previously expressed in 90.3 and serves no
additional purpose. It should also be noted that other ?Special? articles do not
include a similar requirement. Inconsistent application of the text could also
lead to confusion.
Panel Meeting Action: Accept
Number Eligible to Vote: 12
Ballot Results: Affirmative: 12
Red represents strike-through text in ROP.
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