Rental test equipment sources

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Part 77

WA state
Hello all,
I am a small shop owner and am bidding on a project that has engineering requirements that the grounding electrode system be 2 ohms to earth or less and that it be verified in the presence of the engineer with test equipment. After searching prices on the internet, I have found the costs prohibitive if rental equipment is available. The only reason I am considering rental equipment is that I did find a company that rents, but they don't have what I need. (Fluke 1625 kit would be great). Does any one know of some rental companies they can recommend? Thank you in advance.
You better check the specs for the job.

If they have the grounding requirements that you described, then they also may be looking for independent testing and you wouldn't be able to do this yourself.

You would have to hire a testing company to do the ground testing and then give you the reports so you can submit them to the customer.

I had to do this for a project on an Air Force base that had extensive grounding.
IMO a designer who wants a resistance of 2 ohms or less isn't going to accept a contractor renting some equipment and performing a test. This type of testing can be complicated to a neophyte. I would recommend getting an estimate from a testing company and including that figure in your bid. As others suggested I would really peruse the spec and bid documents. There may be a requirement tucked in there for a specific type of testing agency. Better to find out now than after you've gotten the job.
Part 77 said:
Does any one know of some rental companies they can recommend? Thank you in advance.
In case the spec does tolerate a contractor operated print out, last year the available inventory, shipping, and cust. service of this outfit struck me as quite helpful.

Electro Rent corp. Fluke 43B in stock for rent.
6060 Sepulveda Boulevard
Van Nuys, California 91411-2512
(818) 787-2100 Phone
(818) 786-4354 Fax
(800) 688-1111 Toll Free Sales
(800) 374-7310 Toll Free Sales
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