We had a call from a customer wanting a price for replacing a 5 ft wide by 5 ft long Chandelier located 18 feet above a stairwell.
We told the custome we would have to look at the job to see the conditions and amount of dressing work, and working space, customer wanted a ball park, so I tried to explain it was just a guess, without seeing the job, he said he called other electricians, and they were way out of line, so when i asked what he thought out of line was, he said they said it could be anywhere from $700 up, when i agreed with their guess number, he said oh no no no, and hung up. The reason I agreed with the other EC's is we did these jobs in the past, and they all turned out to be more time then we allowed, just want to hear some comments on Chandelier jobs, my own thoughts are install a lift and be done with the problems.
We told the custome we would have to look at the job to see the conditions and amount of dressing work, and working space, customer wanted a ball park, so I tried to explain it was just a guess, without seeing the job, he said he called other electricians, and they were way out of line, so when i asked what he thought out of line was, he said they said it could be anywhere from $700 up, when i agreed with their guess number, he said oh no no no, and hung up. The reason I agreed with the other EC's is we did these jobs in the past, and they all turned out to be more time then we allowed, just want to hear some comments on Chandelier jobs, my own thoughts are install a lift and be done with the problems.