I am working on a remodel that has us rewiring a bathroom and several kitchen appliances, Small appliance branch circuits along with feeding an AHU that was incorrectly fed by another EC many years ago. We have set a sub panel (100A) in an adjacent hall way to feed the afore-mentioned circuits.
The existing wiring is 2 wire and 3 wire NM cable All ungrounded. (circa 1950 home). The bathroom ceiling had to be removed and caused us to remove the existing 14/2 feed to the bedrooms on that side of the house. I pulled a new 14/2 w/ grnd to the first device box and planned on setting a GFCI receptacle to feed the remaining devices on the newely fed bedroom CKT. The branch ckt feed is going to be connected to an AFCI device from the new sub panel. I believe we have met the intent of Art 250.130(C) and 406.3(D)(3)(b) in both instances.
The inspector has yellow flagged us citing that all of the existing wiring in the bedrooms must be replaced with 14/2 w/ grnd because in his opinion this is not an extension of the existing ckt as 250.130(C) states, he states that this is a new feeder and therefore all the devices downstream need to be wired with a cable that has an EGC.
I can?t believe this is the intent of the code to have all of wiring to be replaced every time a new branch feeder ckt is connected to the old existing wiring.
Any thoughts?
The existing wiring is 2 wire and 3 wire NM cable All ungrounded. (circa 1950 home). The bathroom ceiling had to be removed and caused us to remove the existing 14/2 feed to the bedrooms on that side of the house. I pulled a new 14/2 w/ grnd to the first device box and planned on setting a GFCI receptacle to feed the remaining devices on the newely fed bedroom CKT. The branch ckt feed is going to be connected to an AFCI device from the new sub panel. I believe we have met the intent of Art 250.130(C) and 406.3(D)(3)(b) in both instances.
The inspector has yellow flagged us citing that all of the existing wiring in the bedrooms must be replaced with 14/2 w/ grnd because in his opinion this is not an extension of the existing ckt as 250.130(C) states, he states that this is a new feeder and therefore all the devices downstream need to be wired with a cable that has an EGC.
I can?t believe this is the intent of the code to have all of wiring to be replaced every time a new branch feeder ckt is connected to the old existing wiring.
Any thoughts?