Repurposing an old panel

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Senior Member
New Jersey
Old Federal box - guts removed and a piece of sheetmetal screwed to the inside of the cover. Now is used as a big junction box. Is this legit?

If you wanted to nit-pick you may be able to go after a 110.3(B) stance but I wouldn't raise a stink as long as the enclosure is properly grounded.

Looks fine to me as long as the sheet metal provides equivalent protection.

110.12 Mechanical Execution of Work.
Electrical equipment shall be installed in a neat and workmanlike manner.
FPN: Accepted industry practices are described in ANSI/NECA 1-2006, Standard Practices for Good Workmanship in Electrical Contracting, and other ANSI-approved installation standards.
(A) Unused Openings. Unused openings, other than those intended for the operation of equipment, those intended for mounting purposes, or those permitted as part of the design for listed equipment, shall be closed to afford protection substantially equivalent to the wall of the equipment. Where metallic plugs or plates are used with nonmetallic enclosures, they shall be recessed at least 6 mm (? in.) from the outer surface of the enclosure.
Lower left, a light green screw with a bond on it, behind some of the ungrounded conductors, but it looks small.
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