Reqirement For Dental office wiring

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Senior Member
Okay I'm confused. I need to bid on a dental office and seem to have trouble understanding to code 100%. I am looking at Article 517 in the 2002 book. Spitefully article 517.10 under sub-article (B) it states "Part II shall not apply to the following: and in the first (1) area it includes Dental offices not be applied to the rule.

Do Dental Offices need to be in MC? From what I have learned they do. But I am confused when it tells me that Dental offices are excluded from the health care rules.

Any input would be appreciated.

Re: Reqirement For Dental office wiring

I can't site the section of the code for you at the moment but perhaps someone else on the forum will know the answer up front. If not, I will research it and post it when I have the answer. Anyway, I recently had this situation in a dentist's office renovation and the inspector had me install HCF cable in areas where a plug-in appliance would be used in any patient care areas. I wasn't sure whether he was correct or not but the amount of HCF cable used was minimal so I didn't press the issue and just installed it in two patient rooms. In case you don't know, HCF cable is coated green for identification, and is armored cable with an insulated (green) ground wire and a shunt wire for the spiral jacket. A 250' roll of 12/2 costs about $90.00. Hope this helps.
Re: Reqirement For Dental office wiring

Yes the dental office does have areas that are required to follow 517.

The section [517.10(B)]that you have quoted pertains to the office space, hallways, bathrooms, etc... which do not have to conform to 517 patient care areas.
Re: Reqirement For Dental office wiring

Thanks guys. I was pretty much on the right track but when I saw that note in the code it through me off a bit. Thanks for the clarification.

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