M mltech Senior Member Location Ft. Lauderdale Sep 19, 2022 #1 Could I place a small lighting control panel in a residential closet as long as I met the clearance requirements?
Could I place a small lighting control panel in a residential closet as long as I met the clearance requirements?
Dennis Alwon Moderator Staff member Location Chapel Hill, NC Occupation Retired Electrical Contractor Sep 19, 2022 #2 mltech said: Could I place a small lighting control panel in a residential closet as long as I met the clearance requirements? Click to expand... As long as it doesn't have any overcurrent protective devices then you are fine. I assume you mean clothes closet.
mltech said: Could I place a small lighting control panel in a residential closet as long as I met the clearance requirements? Click to expand... As long as it doesn't have any overcurrent protective devices then you are fine. I assume you mean clothes closet.
M mltech Senior Member Location Ft. Lauderdale Sep 19, 2022 #3 Yes. Just lighting control no breakers.