Resi Power Factor Correction

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It was brought to my attention that a company recently did a workshop/sales pitch for residential sized capacitor banks with prices starting at $500.00. Their claim is that you can save up to 25% on your elecric bill. The Testimonials are from businesses not homeowners and I must confess to having serious reservations about the effectiveness of a cap. bank in a single family home. An electrician I work with installed some of these in the '70's, but never had any hard data to know whether they were worthwhile. I know of one builder and a relative of mine who are intrigued by this and I am hoping that you all can either confirm or aleviate my concerns.
Welcome to the Forum!

We should add this to the FAQ sticky. However, please see this thread for the latest discussion about this subject. In fact, there are some more links in that thread. :smile:
Thanks for the welcome and the links. I believe I have plenty of info now to steer people toward worthwhile energy saving ideas. I'll echo the sentiments of those before me - "Sorry for the repeat". I appreciate the fact that this is all well monitored.
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