Resi smoke det. placement

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Senior Member
Largo, Florida
I'm looking for the article for the resi smoke det. placement. Looked in nfpa 72. This is in Florida. I heard it was in Florida Building code. Anyone know the article and book? Wanna read it for myself.
placement requirements will not be in NEC. In the instructions that came with the smoke detectors will show/tell you where you install smoke detectors.
It is in NFPA 72. It keeps getting moved around. In the 2010 it is in and says you can't be within 3' of bathroom doors with showers or tubs. In this area you will also find 3' limitations to air vents and ceiling fans as well as other restrictions.
Well you could have nuisance alarms being placed too close to a bathroom but I don't think it is a violation.

Steamy showers will ionize the air and thus set off the alarm. Watch to keep detectors 3' away from cold air returns & vents.
One our members is a Florida Inspector, I copied this from one of his posts.

Smoke Alarm requirments for 1&2 Family Dwellings can be found in R313 of the Florida Building Code - Residential.

Fire Alarm and Detection Systems for other than 1&2 Family Dwellings can be found in Section 907 of the Florida Building Code.

Keep in mind that ALL buildings other than 1&2 Family Dwellings must also comply with the Florida Fire Prevention Code.

Section 13.7 of the FFPC 1 covers requirements for smoke detection along with section 9.6 of the FFPC 101.

The first two references are typcially enforced by the local building department. The second two are typically enforced by the Fire Marshal / Inspectors.

ALL 4 sections reference the NFPA 72 for specific compliance.

Bryan P. Holland, ICC Master Code Professional
CBO, Plans Examiner, Inspector, Instructor
Secretary - IAEI Florida Gulf Coast Division
Vice President - BOAF Gulf Coast Chapter
here in sw fl we always have been 3 from bathrooms ac returns and within 3 foot of the peak of the ceiling at its highest point. some counties are also requesting 5 ft from center of ceiling fans it can be difficult sometimes to find somewhere to place detector.:happyyes: dont forget 4 inches off wall
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