residental iinstallation ?'s

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i have a 3gang meter installation, each will have a 60 amp main, what is the min size service entrance wires i could use?
also the 2 units in the rear of property are 120' away. i plan to use # 6awg
underground, in pvc ,no pull boxes. streight to panels in laundry rooms in side the units, rear units are new. is this ok? any thing i should know? thanks.
Re: residental iinstallation ?'s

jpmelen said:
i any thing i should know?

Yes, there is something you should know. Don't even think about attempting this work. It's obvious by the nature of your questions that you only know enough to be dangerous, and that you are in over your head. Please let someone more qualified do this job.
whats wrong with this install? maybe u need more info. each new unit is
900 sq ', the existing unit is 800 sq '. calculated load per unit approx 42 amps. my concern is voltage drop. as for the service entrance wires, do i
calculate @ 42 amps x3. or 60 amps x3, the size of main breaker for each unit.
jpmelen said:
whats wrong with this install? maybe u need more info. each new unit is
900 sq ', the existing unit is 800 sq '. calculated load per unit approx 42 amps. my concern is voltage drop. as for the service entrance wires, do i
calculate @ 42 amps x3. or 60 amps x3, the size of main breaker for each unit.

What's wrong with this install? Two things;

First, you are still not giving enough information. Example: You are concerned about voltage drop, and you say the existing unit is 800 ft/2. Is that a 20'x40', 10'x80' or 5'x160'? I have no idea.

Second, as an "e helper" you could be anywhere in your apprentice training. Green as a gourd, 2nd year, or about ready to break out. However, due to the naivety of your question, it leads me to believe that you are yet too untrained to understand the concepts of handling such a job. Therefore, I would refer you to your journeyman or master electrician. We do not give DIY advice.
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