residental sub feeder sizing.

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southampton, ny
I would like to know if it is required to use 3/0 copper sub feeders instead of 2/0,when installing a 200 amp sub panel that is fed from a main distribution panel. such as an "I-Line".
I would like to know if it is required to use 3/0 copper sub feeders instead of 2/0,when installing a 200 amp sub panel that is fed from a main distribution panel. such as an "I-Line".

If the feeder controls all the loads of the dwelling then 2/0 may be used however if there are other circuits coming off the panel then 3/0 would be required. Why an I line panel in a dwelling?
sub feeder sizing

sub feeder sizing

these are large homes with multiple sub panels. the service sizes are generally 400, 600 and 800 amp services. single phase. so is it safe to say, if a 200 amp sub panel is feeding a smaller sub panel then 3/0 is required? However, if it is feeding only branch circuits then 2/0 will be fine? if so, would you happen to know the article number i can refer to? thanks
Article 310.15(B)(7) is the residential rule along with T. 310.15(B)(7) in the 2011. It is different in the 2008 but similar numbers
The use of 2/0 has nothing to do with branch circuits. It has to do with the feeder carrying the entire load of the house. If not then 3/0 is needed.
If the I-line is feeding multiple dwelling units then each unit could have a feeder sized to 310.15(B)(7). Like say each feeder was supplying a separate apartment or condo. If this is just a large house with multiple panels located in various locations then 310.15(B)(7) does not apply to these feeders, as each feeder is not feeding an entire "dwelling unit".
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