residential 200 amp service


loveland colorado
master electrician
aluminum xhhw wire size for 200 amp service .
referance 310.12 a,b, states the service feeder shall not be less than 83 percent
of the service rating.

therefore 200x.83=166 amps
so use 4/0 xhhw ?
Yeppers, as long as the actual calculated load does not exceed the actual 4/0 current rating.
Yes #4/0 Al is fine. It can actually be used without the 83% factor when your calculated load is 180 amps or less.
If you don't have any ampacity correction and/or adjustment factors, you read the size directly from Table 310.12(A) in the 2020 and 2023 codes or Annex D Example 7 in the 2017 code.