lloyd B said:
Thats just how i bid the job Celtic,but a lot cheaper,no wonder he jumped on my bid,i bid ten dollars a box cheaper.I live in the south ,so mabey the prices are a little less here,.......
That $50 +/- price is grossly outdated.....today's price is $70.02....but then again, I'm in NJ
At $45 per, you may have sold yourself short BUT who am I say you did?
Your market conditions (for the most part) are different than mine....and who knows....maybe a low entry number gets you in the door and you make it up on extra, changes, moves, etc...or you simply needed the work.
Whatever the case, IMHO, if your numbers are close to/based on that example of mine - you won't lose any money
lloyd B said:
.....i like your program on exel looks like you have a lot of time invested.Do you know where i could get some proposal sheets to down load to word.
Yup...made with Excel 97..and it took quite a few hours (to say the least)...currently, it isn't 100% complete. I wanted to add some more items...like permit fees(and time to file same, inspection scheduling and time, etc), services and grounding, pools (which I have even done a single pool job to the best of my recollection), etc....
R2006 said:
Ive seen your lay out before and it looks excellent. The pricing you have is it just your experience or is there some sort of book for this. Or i wait till you finish it and just buy it from you.
It's a work in progress...when it's 99% done (because their is ALWAYS something to add ~ AFCI's for example) ...I'll probably just give it away.
Thanks guys.