Residential/Commercial smoke detectors?

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I am rewiring a funeral home to convert to office spaces and my question is...

Because they aren't taking any of the walls down the owner wants to know if we can do battery powered smoke detectors.

Because it's like 100 years old they don't want to cut any where they don't have to it's like original leather wall paper, in order to wire them in and connect them all that would require a considerable amount of cutting.

What I'm not sure on is if the grandfathered state that it's in, we are only really doing new outlets all lighting is remaining, will I be required to add them and if so is there an alternative route that's legal for them.
Any thoughts would be helpful thanks guys
As stated, that is a building code question. The office space is a business use, and doesn't sound like it will need a fire alarm system. There are some instances in which a Business Use requires a system, but it doesn't sound like this one is large enough to meet the occupant load that will trigger a system.
There is no fire alarm panel it's an old house pretty much the only thing commercial about it is that they are using it for office spaces that's it

To the NEC it is either a dwelling unit or non-dwelling unit.

No one lives in the offices so they are non-dwelling units.
I am rewiring a funeral home to convert to office spaces and my question is...

Because they aren't taking any of the walls down the owner wants to know if we can do battery powered smoke detectors.

Someone should be running the job, either a general contractor or an owner that's very familiar with construction projects.

When you go from something like a funeral home to offices (plural) this can cause many problems. If these are going to be different tenant spaces I would guess they will need fire wall seperation.

Someone needs to contact the Fire Marshal's office and find out what really will need to be done. There is no grandfathering in these situations because of change of use. You may need to bring much of the electrical up to ADA specifications (height requirements ). You will probably need emergency and exit lighting.

The only people that can help you out with information are the local authorities. Get the needed information before doing any work.
Residential smoke alarms will not be listed for use in commercial spaces of any sort.

If you need coverage (as others have said, check with your AHJ) you should look at Honeywell's Vista line of panels. They have wireless devices available. The tricky part is that no one makes a listed wireless notification appliance that I am aware of. They simply draw too much current to go wireless.
On top of everything else, if it is 100 years old, it may be on some historic register, and that may give some leeway in requirement.
On top of everything else, if it is 100 years old, it may be on some historic register, and that may give some leeway in requirement.

It won't grant relief from the protection requirements, it will just restrict how you can get it done! The last thing your average electron pusher needs to do is get involved with work at a property on the National Register of Historic Places.
3 other contractors turned this job down I am all they have and as far as doing my homework I've been on it

no work done yet we are waiting on plans from the city until then I am gathering all my collected thoughts in my notebook

we all have to learn some time thanks everybody for your thoughts on this
On top of everything else, if it is 100 years old, it may be on some historic register, and that may give some leeway in requirement.
smoke and fire alarms are for people protection more so then building protection. If it is desired to preserve the property and it is old wood framed structure - a sprinkler system may be a requirement for such protection.

Smoke/fire alarm system requirements are usually based on how many occupants may be in the structure at any given time, and the requirements are more about getting them out safely then protecting the property.
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