Residential Electrical Load calculation NEC

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Senior Member

When we size electrical service for a residential application, I use 220.82. Based on that the lighting and receptacles loads are factored at 40% when they are larger than 10 kVA.

But I do have also panel schedule spread sheets that consider lighting at 125% and receptacle at 100% of 90VA per each outlet.

During odd situations where we have so many receptacles in a property, then the feeder size gained from panel schedule spread sheets will be greater than what is gained from 220.82.

Now, the inspector is questioning me about that. He is saying that I need to size my feeder based on the spread sheet not based on the 220.82. Any recommendation how to respond?

Thank you in advance
Your installation a dwelling unit or non-dwelling?
Panel Schedule spread sheet? Residential? 125% and 100% usually only considered in commercial or non-dwelling occupancies 220.42.
During odd situations where we have so many receptacles in a property, then the feeder size gained from panel schedule spread sheets will be greater than what is gained from 220.82.
220.82 applies only to the service or feeder supplying the total connected load of the dwelling unit, so you can't apportion the 220.82 load when calculating feeder sizes for a subset of the loads, you need to use Article 220 Part III.

However, it is possible that the Article 220 Part III calculation for a subset of the loads is greater than the 220.82 for the total connected load. In that case, you can size the feeder for the subset the same as the feeder/service for the total connected load, per 310.12(C).

Cheers, Wayne
When we design residential spaces, we have a panel schedule that has no load indicated, its just so the contractor has a circuit number for that area. We put a note on that schedule that refers the plan reviewer and inspector to refer to the load calculations for the panel and the service.
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