Residential Load Calculator

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Senior Member
Camden, ME
I was just messing around with the free Residential Load Calculator on this site, and I was wondering if anyone knew the password to unprotect the pages? I'd like to change some of the info, but it won't let me. Thanks.
Re: Residential Load Calculator

tedge You realy don't think the owner of this site will give that up do you?

Then anyone could get into thing's that passwords are there to keep them out. If there is a problem with the way it caculates then e-mail a sujestion to the webmaster and see if he agree's and maybe he can change it? or maybe we can discuss the problem here?
Re: Residential Load Calculator

It was just a question. Is the point of the free stuff area to give us something we can use for free? Or is it to show us what things are out there that we COULD use, if we pay for them? I assumed it was the former, therefore didn't think it would be a big deal to be able to monkey with it a bit. If I'm wrong, oh well. :)
Re: Residential Load Calculator

I just wish that I could take the color out and make it black and white. It is getting costly. Even if the background gets grayscaled from my print options, its still dark. I wish I could put it on a white background. But I am aware there is nothing to be done, its protected for a reason. He put alot of time into it and for someone to manipulated, claim it and/or sale it is wrong. And people will!
Re: Residential Load Calculator

I have downloaded this and can't open it. What software are you using to open this file?
Re: Residential Load Calculator

Password protection in Excel is really not intended to prevent people from accessing data.
A main reason for locking cells in Excel is to prevent the accidental erasing of info.

Excel is really not the best program to use if the info is needed to be secured.

In the case of the Residential Load Calculator, IMO, the protection is probably to keep a novice user from accidentally erasing the example info.

I just erased the rest of my post, but I will say, I just downloaded the R.L.C. and I now can change all of the values. There is a way,
Re: Residential Load Calculator

I have looked at the load calculator and can't get it to run,it is a read only file.Is there a way to open it.
Re: Residential Load Calculator


That was my only intention with my original question: to be able to erase the example data so I could put my own in (the range numbers for example). I guess I didn't word it the right way. And yes, I found a way as well.
Re: Residential Load Calculator


If you have Excel on your computer, you should be able to open it. Download the RLC to your hard drive, then just double click on it. You'll have to have Excel first though.
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