Residential Multi-family cooridoor

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I was planning on running NM cable in the corridors of a 3 story residential multi-family type V-A (1 hr wood framing) apartment building (not mixed use). The Inspector told me the corridors and community room (occupancy less than 100) were "commercial" and I could not run NM cable.

This seems like a bad CBC call. Can anyone help me with this?
I believe he is wrong too.
The California Electric Code prohibits type NM cable "in any non-residential occupancy".
By making the call that the corridors and community room is classed "commercial", he would be able to enforce CEC 334.12.
In trying to do my homework before approaching the AHJ on this, does anybody know how I might prove that the corridors and community room are NOT classed "commercial" in a type V-A, 3 story, multi-family building?
If not, maybe a referral to someone who would know definitively? Or a good California Building Code forum (like this one is for our trade)?
I believe he is wrong too.
The California Electric Code prohibits type NM cable "in any non-residential occupancy".
By making the call that the corridors and community room is classed "commercial", he would be able to enforce CEC 334.12.
In trying to do my homework before approaching the AHJ on this, does anybody know how I might prove that the corridors and community room are NOT classed "commercial" in a type V-A, 3 story, multi-family building?
If not, maybe a referral to someone who would know definitively? Or a good California Building Code forum (like this one is for our trade)?

I can't tell you what may be required by local codes. NEC uses the term dwelling and other than dwelling for the most part and doessn't use the word "commercial" all that often. When it does use the word commercial it is more of an adjective for something more specific than just a general occupancuy classification.
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