Hello, I'm working on a Residential property that is in escrow. The person looking to buy the home ask me to look at the panel and tell him if it's up to code and if not what would it take to make it code compliant?This is in So Cal and the house was probably built around 1950 something?? I'm thinking it would have to be upgraded because the previous owner(s) added breakers for ??? and now more than (6) breakers on a main lug panel...Is this right? What is the opinion on the best way to make this code compliant??? If this is left this way, what are the safety issues?? I listed a link to photobucket, the panel in question is listed under La Mirada-Panel, Scroll down and then click on pic to view enlarged.
Your input is greatly appreciated...Thanks, Jerry
Your input is greatly appreciated...Thanks, Jerry
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