Residential Panel

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I had a friend call me sunday morning to ask me a question, the problem was he awoke sunday to the sound of all of his smoke detectors going off, upon inspection he could find no fire but discovered his basement lights were not working, looking even closer he stated that the panel position #1, a 15a-1p brkr had not tripped (according to the directory fed the basement lights & smoke detectors). but was not delivering power, likewise the breaker opposite in position 2,4 40a-2p brkr for the air conditioner had done the same, he removed each breaker and replaced it with a new one, he stated that the breaker had "shorted out" and there was physical damage to the breaker(s). I told him it would be in his best interest to get a electrician to look at the panelboard (bus) to make sure no more damage was sustained. But my curiosity is how could this have happened at the time the basement lights, and air conditioner were not even running?? :?:
This condition had probably existed for quite some time and just picked that moment to manifest itself. There could have been other load on the circuit that was not indicated on the panel schedule. It would be uncommon to put just basement lights on a circuit by themselves unless it's a big basement.

You were right to advise him to get in contact with a contractor. This is a serious condition that needs immediate attention. Replacing the breakers when it gets to this point is a "band-aid' that will soon fall off.
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