Residential Prices.

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Good find mtn!

I am in the process of compeletly overhauling my estimating procedures, costs, assemblies, etc.
Below is the price for a "standard" outlet in NJ:
Receptacle outlets (rough wiring, box, receptacle and plate)
Standard indoor, duplex wall outlet Ea 56.00
Here is my price: $64.06

I arrived at that figure like so:

The top box has all the info:
quantity, labor units, material, tax, mark-up, cost, and the selling price.

A 20 Cu. In. plastic nail-on box is sold for: $11.81
The complete assembly costs $14.71 and is sold for $64.06
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mtnelectrical said:
Celtic. You use this software, right? Was your software couple years old or so?

A couple of years?
Yes...The last edition I bought(in '03) was the '04.

The ONLY difference between my '96 and the '07 is the material costs and some "new" items (like AFCI CB's, etc).

As the product I have is rather old (in computer terms), I don't know that the latest updates would work with my product.

I also use the HD WS CD, which is esentially the same program - just not as user friendly ie, you CANNOT change the prices in he costbook individually, you must use their entire costbook update....a bit of a pain the butt. Also, you CANNOT create assemblies with the HD WS CD...another source of soreness upon where I sit. BUT....the saving graces to the HD WS CD are that the labor units are the same between it and TNE; and you can update pricing daily ~ as opposed to quarterly (?) with TNE.

Which brings us to the image I posted...notice there is no TNE/HS WS CD program running in the taskbar...just Excel and Netscape.
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