residential rough in boxes

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Senior Member
whats the difference between hard shell and regular square plastic 1, 2 , 3 gang boxes for residential rough in? Trying to figure out difference.
check the cut-sheet for cu in and fire rating. Both vary depending on the boxes available locally,
Price, durability, fire rating. Very unlikely you're going to run into 2 hour rated walls in residential. The thin blue ones can be easily warped and have a kinda thin boss for holding devices. The brown fiberglass type are easily broken. The heavier gauge plastic Carlon and pretty much anything by Arlington are much nicer, and more expensive ofc. Some have wings or tabs to clamp down on NM, some dont. Most nail-on boxes have a 2hr rating.
check the cut-sheet for cu in and fire rating. Both vary depending on the boxes available locally,

Sorry guys just being lazy. You guys are right after i looked it up they are used for firerated walls and sturdy construction. Thanks for the help. Residential is a new animal i am starting to get familiar with.
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