Residential septic systems in NJ

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Senior Member
New Jersey
Electrical Contractor
I've checked back through the archives regarding septic system wiring but was unable to find anything specific on this subject. A certain inspector here in NJ is claiming that the wiring for an ejector pump inside a septic tank must be wired with rigid gal pipe with an X-Y fitting installed where it comes out of the ground. He claims that this is a C1-D1 environment and that methane gas is present inside the tank. Does anyone have any input or opinions on this ? Thanks in advance.

BTW, the state DCA official has already claimed that this IS NOT a C1-D1 environmrnt but the inspector is breaking chops and wants documentation.
Here is a good explaination Wastewater Treatment.htm

...................Research has demonstrated that residential sewage systems, vented through the home plumbing, adequately vent methane. Therefore, the classification of Residential Septic Tank Effluent Pumping Systems has been changed to unclassified. This is indicated in Table 2 of NFPA 820. This classification does have a restriction in which no more than five dwellings can be served by the sewage pumping system. In other words, systems that serve more than five dwellings are not automatically covered by this unclassified designation..........................
You have confirmation from the DCA that this guy is wrong and he still is asking for documentation? Maybe he needs to receive a call from Suzanne Borek.
This guy hasn't gone for DCA training in years. Towns up here are desparate for inspectors and he keeps showing up because they can't get anyone better qualified. Every time I run into this guy I fail an inspection for something stupid like mounting the breaker panel upside down. I know I'm in the right and so does the State but it just delays the job and ticks your customer off until you produce documentation in your favor. It's tough enough doing business in this economy and then you have to run into this guy.:mad:
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