Residential Service and generator


Hi, all. Thanks in advance for the help.

Customer is wanting to upgrade their service and I’ve come across this subpanel fed off a 2 pole 100 A breaker with #2 SER feeding panel containing all circuits for generator to be operated off manual Transfer switch.

Looking for some advice on tying this all back together and being code compliant. I usually just do a generator and ATS catching the entire house or a generator inlet receptacle. First time seeing this set up. Photos attached



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So your only interest is in changing that mess of a panel? The rest of the equipment (transfer switch and sub-panel) are to remain?
So your only interest is in changing that mess of a panel? The rest of the equipment (transfer switch and sub-panel) are to remain?

Yes, correct. I am going to build a new meter main with rigid riser to the right of existing exterior service and then just swap the existing panel out. I want to leave the existing transfer and gen sub panel while being code compliant. She’s on a budget….

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