Residential service questions

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Sometimes I don't know if I'm the boxer or the bag
Roanoke, VA.
Sorta retired........
1. 400 amp service 2 - 200-amp panels. Do I need bonding bushings on the service nipples from the meter base to the panels?
2. Do I need GEC's from each panel to the ground rods? if not can I daisy chain them together? and do I need 2 ground rods per panel or can I connect both panels to the same ground rods?
1. Service conduits must be bonded per 250.92. Bond bushings (or grounding locknuts where no concentric KOs are involved) are the most common method.\
2. GEC can originate at the meter or any point ahead of the panels. If you terminate at the panel you need a GEC from each panel to the grounding electrode OR from each panel to a common GEC.
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