Wondering if anyone could give me any information on a battery backup system for a residential application.
Im putting an addition on a small hunting cabin which is powered solely on a generator. What I would like to know is if there is anyone with any information to correctly and safely intall a battery backup system to just power a light and a couple receptacles when the generator poops.
generally the batteries, most UPS systems are not design to be cycled all the time, and wont last long, but not being sure what you mean about "when the generator poops"
If your talking about when it runs out of gas, then I think you could get by with a moderate sized UPS, such as a 750 to 1600 VA APC UPS unit depending upon the load, but if your talking quit frequently and long periods, then I would opt for using an inverter, and 2 or 3 deep cycle marine type batteries, which could be hooked to a vehicle to be recharged in a pinch.
Also using CFL lamps will give much more light and not draw as much from either a UPS or a inverter.
Keep in mind with either one, if it has a modified sine wave (square wave) output, some motor loads wont like it, my small hammer drill runs about half speed on a square wave output. for the cost if you want to go the inverter way, locate a surplus RV/camper power system, most were a full sine wave output, and even have auto transfer when shore power was cut, I have a RV unit made by Tripp-Let that is 3600 watts, and can run quit a bit, I used it in my work van for a long time with 6 deep cycle batteries an it would last me the whole day on the job. but if you plan to just use it for lights and a few electronics, then a square wave inverter would work just fine, my little 150 watt, unit, that plugs in to a cigarett lighter, will power 9 100 watt equivlant CFLs, and run off my van battery almost all day.
A long time ago, I tried to use a APC UPS system, 1600 watt unit, but it didn't provide power for very long and the Ni-Cads didn't last very long.
Most places like Sam's club, Wall Mart, carry both, UPS and inverters, but they are low grade and have a modified sine wave output. almost all truck stops carry a large line of inverters, I have seen some up to 4kva but again you get what you pay for, and you dont get into good inverters until you get into companies like Trip-Let, but you will pay more.