Residential wiring

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Currently wiring a home, I have been wiring homes for years. Eveybody knows about the 3 foot rule in attics, but years ago I was also tought that when I am outside the 3ft. You can run your romex above running along with walls. i am asking this because it has become a big debate on the job site.I have never been violated for doing this, if anyone can help it would be apperciated, also does anybody know the nec code for the 3 ft rule.


Senior Member
North Carolina
Re: Residential wiring

334.23 In Accessible Attics.
The installation of cable in accessible attics or roof spaces shall also comply with 320.23.

320.23 In Accessible Attics.
Type AC cables in accessible attics or roof spaces shall be installed as specified in 320.23(A) and (B).
(A) Where Run Across the Top of Floor Joists. Where run across the top of floor joists, or within 2.1 m (7 ft) of floor or floor joists across the face of rafters or studding, in attics and roof spaces that are accessible, the cable shall be protected by substantial guard strips that are at least as high as the cable. Where this space is not accessible by permanent stairs or ladders, protection shall only be required within 1.8 m (6 ft) of the nearest edge of the scuttle hole or attic entrance. ]/QUOTE]

What three foot rule?
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