Resistance in Series-Parallel Circuit Example

Good evening, I am not understanding how to compute the resistance in series-parallel circuit example on page 49.
Without seeing the diagram I can't be specific, but here is a direction. First off, in series parallel you need to figure out which parts to solve first. Often the designer will draw the circuit to distract you from understanding it. So, first redraw it yourself start with the battery draw a line you will either come to a resistor or a split keep drawing until the only thing left is the line back to the battery. If either the line to or from the battery has a resistor in it, the last thing you will solve is a series circuit. Then look at the parallel runs and if they have series resistors, they are the first solve, etc. From there it is too complicated to explain, and we tend to try to lead you to the path of solving yourself, even if it is a step at a time, so post the pic of the circuit and tell us what you see first.