Re: Resistance to Ground
To: cjcrawfo, Your question is, "how to get your ground resistance down to 5 ohms or less".
I worked for a large chemical company and there were times that we would need to get our ground resistance down to 5 ohms. This is how we would do it.
1. We would start with the Ufer ground system.
2. Then we would generally have a water main coming into the building of at least a 6 inch main. We would tie into the water line with our ground before the first valve.
3. After doing number 1, and 2, we generally had the ohm reading that we wanted, but there was one time that we also drove a ground rods 50 feet into the earth before we could achieve the 5 ohm reading that we desired.
All of the above grounds were tied togeather, for our main ground system. We did not separate them, like some of the instrument people would want us to do. I hope that this will help you out with your grounding problem.