Responsibility of Sealing Conduits

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Senior Member
On a project where the responsibility of sealing conduits has not been stated in the contract documents.

The work required one contractor to install conduits and fittings.

The work required another contractor to install wire through the conduits and fitting.

The seal fittings need to be sealed.

Which contractor is responsible to seal the fittings - what say you and why?

My first cut is based entirely on the sequence. The conduit must be set before the wires are pulled and the sealing cannot be done until after the wires are in place. That leaves the wire contractor to pour the seals.
On the other hand, that would require the wire contractor to complete the configuration of seal fittings they did not install and may not have the instructions for.

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I basically agree with GoldDigger; but consider, a "seal" is not a "seal" until it complies with Section 501.15(C). From a contractual standpoint who is responsible for "seals".
Answer A installer

Answer A installer

If it was in my plant I would be looking at the person that installed the conduit. From the sounds of it the wire pullers may have never of seen a sealoff before, so i would not want them doing it.
Sounds like a good reason to generally avoid having one contractor install conduit, and another pull wire.
For some reason over time I have been involved in less and less classified area work. Used to be that if we had to build equipment for classified areas and it needed seals as part of the equipment we built the general practice was to install the seal and wires but not the dam or seal material. We would ship that loose with a big red tag on the seal indicating it needed to be done in the field. This was for two reasons. First, we didn't have anyone with any experience pouring seals. Second, it is very hard to run another wire through a seal that has been poured and you never know just what might have to be changed before the thing gets commissioned.
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