UNfortunately, I have to deal with cooking equipment all the time on this property.
Many of the countertop units we had when I got here are fully and totally prone to failure due to design flaws and very cheap construction materials. About 3 weeks ago there were 2 countertop units into the shop I had seen both possibly 4 times each in the past. They both went straight in the dumpster and some better units were ordered on the spot.
If you look at Vollrath, they have been making a mostly plastic Steam Well for many years.
They are one of the brands I don't advise. Even the drain assembly is a flanged plastic affair. Horrid.
Something like " Wells " are much better and also cost quite a bit more. Like $525.00 instead of $135.00.
Some of these units are simply not worth repairing and will continue to fail even with some repair upgrades being done.
A lot of newer generation machinery will also have issues right out of the box.
A lot of these outfits keep producing and selling junk and getting away with it because almost zero people take them to task. I have spoken to all manner of supposed Engineering departments that in truth don't know what the hell is going on and will try to con you on nonsensical engineering schemes right over the phone. " True " refirgeration is one of the all time worst in this respect with some of the worst design trends in the known universe, like attempting to cycle evaporator fans on table refrigeration with the thermostat to save a watt. Idiotic.
Not enough people are demanding accountability and a reasonable level of quality for dollars spent. This is the throw away and replacement culture that "they" always wanted in the first place.