Restaurant service call - open neutral on steroids

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Senior Member
Here's a first for me. I get a call last Thursday from an A/C company who's A/C tech disconnected a neutral wire from a ceiling mounted air handler (the neut was bonded to the A/C frame), and witnessed an arc flash as the lights died in this small restaurant.

Clearly a faulty neutral connection.

I check the panel, get nothing from ground to neut. I check the main service and find the result of multiple remodels and 4000 Black Widow spiders... scary spaghetti. There are feeders looping between sections, feeders entering the top-back in the unmetered sections, no way to determine which feeder belongs to which neut... utter chaos. I start checking all the landed neutrals in the sections and thought I found the problem when I came across a very loose neut... tightened it up and it made no difference to this suite. I start looking for hidden j-boxes in the feeder that might contain a bad splice and realize it might be a long night as the feeders go through virtually unaccessible attic space. I'm coming up empty.

Back at the main service, for some reason I start to count landed neutrals vs the # of meters in the four 6-meter sections, and realized there was missing neutral. ???

What I ended up finding is the 3/0 neut for the 200 amp panel serving this suite ( a multi-tenant commercial building) taped up and jammed out of sight behind cob-webs and buss-bars. My best guess is that some genius added a meter base at one point while this suite was unoccupied and for some reason didn't have a lug to land its neutral, so they stole this suite's lug. Later this suite was occupied and by chance someone had erroneously grounded a #10 neutral in this air-handler giving potentially 200+ amps a way home through this A/C's frame and branch circuit grounding.

It looks like this restaurant has been operating like this for 1.5 years.

I think I now have truly seen it all. I just can't believe this place never burnt to the ground. Wild stuff.
A while ago I found about a half dozen neutrals and grounds just poked into lugs on the gear at new hi-rise condo. They weren't "untightened" per se, the setscrews on the lugs were simply not there. One was just laying in the bottom of the cabinet with no lug at all.
A couple weeks ago I did a service call to install a new circuit in a little filthy, unorganized mini store in the ghetto. I opened the panel and one of the 3/0 feeders had burned insulation for three inches because the lug was not tight at all. I tightened it. The panel was two feet from a unit heater and I could smell gas!! The store was full of stuff like romex stuffed into conduit, and the conduit ending an inch from the box, no connector. Multiple power strips ganged together. All kinds of residential wiring done wrong and mixed in with old commercial wiring. I documented it all, but told my boss we don't ever want to work there again unless we tear out all existing wiring and start over!!
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