resturant bid

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Hello all

I hope you may give me some insite on a job that came up. This is a building,all block construction,and it was wired with romex many years ago,has a 100 amp fuse pnl a fire trap,anyway the building is about 1200 sq feet.
Going back with 200 amp service,all emt pipe will be attached to the walls and will have a drop down ceiling with 2x4 ceiling tiles.
I give a bid of around 5 grand and furnish everything except fixtures,still i think bid is low,two other companys bid around 3500,how can they make any money with that bid?
I do mostly residential work so am i that far off with the price?
Thanks for your advice and I AM not worrying about not getting the job.
Re: resturant bid

I think you would need to provide more details.How many receptacles,switches,light fixtures,any 220V circuits? What about the service?etc
Re: resturant bid

If you keep lowering your price to beat these people that are here today gone tomorrow so called contractors you will never succeed. I really don't care what the other bid is. If I get the job great. Most of the time I'm somewhere in the middle and still get the job. I can get the job with the higher bid because they know the quality of my work. I am a straight shooter with my clients and they know what I tell them is the truth. My advice is adjust if truly necessary but remember you are trying to build a business first. Also check to see that they pull the proper permits. A lot of times a friendly call to the inspector takes these clowns out of the picture.

[ April 21, 2005, 10:39 PM: Message edited by: highkvoltage ]
Re: resturant bid


This is a standard type with basic equipment!
but everything will be removed, the ceilings are about 14 foot tall,water htr,grill,ref,freezer,all new lighting 2x4 troffer's around 18 each,outside wall lites 6 each,two 240 wall air conditioners and roughly 8 kitchen recpts with a microwave,coffee machine,and dishwasher with around 14 other recpts.Bathroom with exhust fan lite, around 6 gfci's

BTW I did not get the job but still I would hope to get more opinions cause i stay covered up doing residental work so this is not a big deal even here in east tn. 3500 for this job sounds very low.
Re: resturant bid

Forgot also a new 225 amp service,pnl,this is a over head service.

I don't lower my bid to get jobs most know my work and i stand behind what i do and will never take a job without permits

thanks again
Re: resturant bid

I would keep an eye on this job.Perhaps they bidded low but are doing it in MC.Only thing i ever do when someone says i am high is recheck my math.Also watch out for the scam of "i have a bid for $xxx and i like your work better can you match it."Who told you others are at $3500 ?If it came from the GC i would not take it to be real.
Re: resturant bid

Although so many here seem to participate in shopping bids (or being asked to undercut another bidder), I consider participating in that very ethically questionable. I stopped bidding for people who asked me to cut my price, as the the situation could switch and I would have my bid shopped. If it wasn't fair to me, then it wasn't fair to the others. Don't let them grind every one down.

Re: resturant bid

Originally posted by mdh:

This is a standard type with basic equipment!
There's nothing standard about commercial work. Here's some things to consider:
-where's the cash wrap
-who runs tele/data conduits
-how big is the front sign
-any site/parking lot lighting

Just saying it's 1200sq. ft. and "standard" is pretty vauge.
I know I wouldn't touch it for $3500 ($2.91/sq. ft)...maybe at $12,000...but I'm in the NE (next to NYC).

I have no problem w/ECs tossing a job up for estimate "review". We all know (or at least should) our abilities and our crew's drop your number to "just get the job" is a sure-fire way to go eventually go belly up or at the very least bring us ALL down.
Re: resturant bid

Well I found out the job was done in romex,laid on drop ceiling grid,outside 200 amp service and the pnl is a home depot contractor special.The only conduit used was down the wall to the 4x4 boxs
The job was not permited or inspected,they set new service and disconected old and re-conected new.

I guess when the meter reader comes by and makes his report,crap may hit the fan,I will keep all up-dated
Re: resturant bid

Although it is not my usual custom, I'd have a real hard time not turning this one in to the inspection authority. Romex above the ceiling in a commercial restaraunt. Was this done by a group of boys for an Eagle Scout project? ;)

[ May 09, 2005, 09:40 PM: Message edited by: mdshunk ]
Re: resturant bid

Was this done by a group of boys for an Eagle Scout project?
I do not think it is very professional for you to insult the Eagle Scouts in this manner.
Re: resturant bid

No Boy Scouts!! but I have thought about getting involved but I live close and you know how some owners of the mom and pop resturants can get upset when spending a dollar. These owners are friends hate to make them madd. (The Inspector will see this Job before too long)Someone will have a hard time explaining
This Electrician has a company may-be he thought he could make a easy grand and not get caught.
I will let all know what the out come with the AHJ

Re: resturant bid

Originally posted by mdh:
These owners are friends hate to make them madd.

Well, you would be doing them a favor. They got RIPPED OFF, plain and simple.

I will let all know what the out come with the AHJ

Please do.
Charlie, I understand your feeling on the issue.
But I once witnessed a situation where a Boy Scout was doing a project for his Eagle advancement.
It was an illuminated block sign at the entrance to a county park. I had stopped by on unrelated reasons and the sign was wired with romex, underground from an existing disconnect, through 1/2" pvc water line with water line 90's.
I have no idea how he got the wire through those fittings.
Re: resturant bid

In my opinion this type of work needs to be reported. The only way we can stay competitive is if everyone plays by the rules. By the way I think 5 grand is a little low but don't know enough about the job to make an accurate assensment.

How did they get energized by the Power co. if it was not inspected?
Re: resturant bid

The building had a 100 amp service,they disconected hot and reconected used split bolts to the 200 amp new service,the power co did not know but they will because when the meter reader comes by and sees the seal gone they are required to make a report so will keep a ear open to this and see what happens
Re: resturant bid

So they upgraded the equipment to 200 amps but not the service incomming. The customer bought that?

I would not rely on the power company to report it I would do it myself.
Re: resturant bid

Well to keep you informed,The poco had the inspector to come by yesterday and check it out.(red tag)the poco had the meter pulled and all wiring must be replaced.everything must and will be to code before they get power again.
Re: resturant bid

I'm betting there will have to be a hood over the grill. That's close to $1500 labor itself depending on the control box and fans. Service drop, service at another $1000. Now we can start adding dedicated outlets for kitchen equipment. Don't forget any outlet under the hood has to shut down with fire suppression system. 2x4's at an hour each. $5 each for conectors and hanger wire. switches and rec. at an hour each. $10 each for box,bracket, connector ect. MC @ 20hrs a 1000'. adds up to more than $5k when you count it all up I'd bet.

[ June 04, 2005, 12:54 PM: Message edited by: bradleyelectric ]
Re: resturant bid

Originally posted by mdh:
Well to keep you informed,The poco had the inspector to come by yesterday and check it out.(red tag)the poco had the meter pulled and all wiring must be replaced.everything must and will be to code before they get power again.
Good to hear the system works sometimes.

Do you know if anything is being done to the clowns who did this work without pulling permits? Apologies to any clowns who might be offended at the comparison. :D
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