Retail maintenance facility Companies

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I have done work for these maintenance companies before but was wondering what rates to quote.
I just quoted a min charge of 139.00 for first hour 89.00 for additional hours and 69.00 for apprentice/helper.
anybody doing this type of work thanks.
If it makes you feel better a good number of the maintenance companies, are charging $300 an hour to the retail stores, for one man and a service truck, they tell the store managers how expensive it is to provide skilled crafts, and they have the craftsman, ready to respond, then they turn around and try to get these same craftsman for bottom dollar, to make sure their pockets remain healthy, the $125 is less then 50% of what they bill out.

They provide every trade service you can imagine, and have a long list of hungry low bidders, ready to jump and run, the national companies will have their bioler room salesman call contractors until they find some willing to work the lowest end of the scale.
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satcom said:
If it makes you feel better a good number of the maintenance companies, are charging $300 an hour to the retail stores, for one man and a service truck, they tell the store managers how expensive it is to provide skilled crafts, and they have the craftsman, ready to respond, then they turn around and try to get these same craftsman for bottom dollar, to make sure their pockets remain healthy, the $125 is less then 50% of what they bill out.
I fail to see the problem with that,these companies have overhead and expenses just like I do what I pay my men is much less than what I bill out

They provide every trade service you can imagine, and have a long list of hungry low bidders, ready to jump and run, the national companies will have their bioler room salesman call contractors until they find some willing to work the lowest end of the scale.
We have not had to bid on anything that was sent to us
Rewire said:
I fail to see the problem with that,these companies have overhead and expenses just like I do what I pay my men is much less than what I bill out

We have not had to bid on anything that was sent to us

I think you are confusing, a national retail maint company, with a service company that bids out work.

They do not have anything near the overhead, and operating expenses the contractor doing the work has, they have commisioned sales people, and ad expenses, they have little at risk, and want the higher rewards, How so you pay your men much less then what you bill out? we have about a 7% margin, so we keep about $7 out of every $100 billed, the rest is our overhead and operating expenses, to reduce our cost we would have to stop payment of all insurances, taxes, and operating costs.

No one has to accept, the work offered, nor the price they are willing to pay, it is not a bid price, it is a price set by them, you either accept it or refuse.
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satcom said:
I think you are confusing, a national retail maint company, with a service company that bids out work.

They do not have anything near the overhead, and operating expenses the contractor doing the work has, they have commisioned sales people, and ad expenses, they have little at risk, and want the higher rewards, How so you pay your men much less then what you bill out? we have about a 7% margin, so we keep about $7 out of every $100 billed, the rest is our overhead and operating expenses, to reduce our cost we would have to stop payment of all insurances, taxes, and operating costs.

No one has to accept, the work offered, nor the price they are willing to pay, it is not a bid price, it is a price set by them, you either accept it or refuse.
The work we do is usually at a not to acceed price we are sent an item and a price if we want it we do it if it takes more cash we have to get it approved.They are not big money makers but I don't jump over a dime to pick up a quarter as long as I am not in the red money is money and I like our company name on the check.
satcom said:
They provide every trade service you can imagine, and have a long list of hungry low bidders, ready to jump and run, the national companies will have their bioler room salesman call contractors until they find some willing to work the lowest end of the scale.

Well, they're fine if you like spending your time working in every store in the local mall. ;) :roll:
Rewire said:
They are not big money makers but I don't jump over a dime to pick up a quarter as long as I am not in the red money is money and I like our company name on the check.
I'm ok with stopping to pick up the dime but only if the quarter is still going to be there as well. If the quarter is gone by the time I've stopped to pick up the dime I would rather jump over the dime and pick up the quarter. :)

It really blows when your so busy picking up two dimes that you miss out on the quarter. :)
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aline said:
I'm ok with stopping to pick up the dime but only if the quarter is still going to be there as well. If the quarter is gone by the time I've stopped to pick up the dime I would rather jump over the dime and pick up the quarter. :)

It really blows when your so busy picking up two dimes that you miss out on the quarter. :)
Our whole market strategy was to look for the dimes,and their are alot out there.
This company had a so called emergency call for a retail outlet yesterday I faxed back all the info they wanted like compo liability etc still no work order or a so called sign off sheet from them guess I was to high in price
ItsHot said:
Local mall sure beats that ditch I was in today!

Kinda, except when you're hauling tools, ladders and equipment around working stores it's not much fun, and not to mention that the "Not to exceed" price these companies allow for each job is a joke.
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