Review questions

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Senior Member
I know job dependant but what are some top of the list questions standard questions you ask when reviewing a bid? Thanks

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Say office renovation bidding to GC. Talking about review questions you'd ask the estimator.

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Still not making much sense are you asking if YOU were the GC, what questions would you ask the bidding EC?
I would ask if they want you to do any value engineering. People get all warm and fuzzy when you can show them ways to save money. :)
You as the electrical contractor reviewing one of you employees estimate.

It never went that way with me. The boss doesn't know the, the estimator do.

We would have a pre-bid meeting, usually the day before bid day (depending on the size of job). I (the estimator) would go over scope, scheduling, the quotes....discuss problem areas, my scope letter (and revise if needed).

During this meeting, the boss is asking me all kinds of questions about the aforementioned items.

Right before our price goes out...everything is summarized and adjusted from our prior meeting, he would pop in and look at the final markup based on all kinds of ratios ( material/labor ratio, man/hr per sq/ft, margin dollars per man/hr, etc)

Then the final markup is applied....
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