Revise Section 240.21

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joe tedesco

Senior Member
Revise as follows and delete the exceptions:

240.21 Location in Circuit.

Overcurrent protection shall be provided in each ungrounded circuit conductor and shall be located at the point where the conductors receive their supply.
How would you install a service or a transformer?
Edit* I don't have the 2008 in front of me...I am assuming, Joe, you are talking about eliminating (A) through (H)???


Yes, start by deleting A-H and then come up with some type of Table or exception that would give some permission using various taps as we know them.

I feel that many in our industry are having some difficultly with the revised exceptions and changes during each code cycle ever since they were turned into rules.

I hope we hear from Charlie, one of the CMP 10 members on this.
I can't see how a table would be easier. Can you provide an example of what you have in mind. I think what we have now works well. I am not sure that the exceptions were any better, however I do agree that in some cases the move to positive language to replace exceptions has made the code less user friendly. I am not sure that is the case with this code section.
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