Short answer: No
You can put photometric files into revit families that will calculate average footcandles in each space using the "lumen" method, but not point-by-point.
You can output your Revit model into 3dsmax and try that way, but it's a bit of a pain.
However, you can do photometric rendering in Revit for presentation purposes, which has been a mixed bag in my experience (sometimes works well, othertimes not so much).
As far as power is concerned, if you bother to input wire sizes, Revit will calculate voltage drop. However, it's pretty much missing big opportunities regarding more sophisticated power studies. Imagine if you didn't have to recreate your one-line in SKM or Easypower and use the one-line in Revit based on the lengths calculated from your model? Sounds nice, but Revit doesn't do that right now.