rewiring of welding unit

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Senior Member
Electrical worker
welding unit 250 amp 220 volt to be rewound ,original windings were aluminium which cannot be readily obtained at this time can normal copper work?


Senior Member
London, England
I dont see why not.
The only advantage of aluminium is lower cost, copper being preferable otherwise.

Copper wire can be a smaller size than than aluminium due to the lower resistance.

Take care when selecting the size of winding wire.
I would use copper one size larger than calculations suggest (though still smaller than aluminium)
Remember that if copper is selected with the same resistance as the aluminium winding that it replaces, it may overheat.

That is because a copper winding will have the same losses as the aluminium one, but will be physicly smaller and therefore have a smaller surface area from which heat may escape, therefore leading to higher temperatures.
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