RGS Clamp


Senior Member
Whe running 3/4 or 1" RGS on concrete etc. surface would you always use a clamp back with the strap or sometimes just have the conduit directly on the surface as EMT sometimes is with a 1 hole strap? What would determine the use of a clamp back?
Since RMC couplings are about 1/4" thick you would use a "back strap" behind the raceway to keep the distance off of the wall consistent. A rigid one hole strap would hold the conduit to the back strap and to the wall.
Larry has it. Back strap. Use them to make up for couplings. Notice also that there is another countersunk hole behind where the conduit sits. For larger sizes in a horizontal run, you can put a large screw through that hole then your conduit strap screw. Two screws are better than one.
