Rockland county Licensing

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New Jersey
Does anyone know where I can see what the format is for this test, t am a New Jersey Electrical contractor and would like to take test but cant find anything on training or format of test even on Rockland County website.
You probably have to find the phone number and call someone. My neighbor who's a New Jersey licensed electrical contractor, an HHS licensed electrical inspector and a licensed electrical sub-code official had to take the test about 4 times before he passed. No open book and lot's of obscure questions. I'll leave it at that.
I used to sub-contract for a contractor in Rockland. Not always a pleasant place to work. Not all but mostly union contractors and they protect their territory. It's a small county and they don't have enough work available as it is.

Anyway, you might find that you'll end up in a Catch-22 situation. In order to do electrical work in NY Counties you need a business permit per county. In order to get a license you need to have a NY business address. In order to have a business address you have to establish a business. In order to establish an electrical business you'll have to pass a test. Assuming you pass the test you need to obtain a license. They won't issue a license unless you have a NY business address. You can't get a business address unless you've established a business. Are you getting the picture ???

If you truly believe there is enough business there for you to pursue this then don't give up. You'll eventually get what you want but not without going through hoops and not before paying for your education. Good luck.
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