Wire, Cable and Flexible Cords
When any wire or cable product is submerged in water, any metallic component (such as the conductor, metallic shield, or armor) is subject to corrosion that can damage the component itself and/or cause termination failures. If water remains in medium voltage cable, it could accelerate insulation deterioration, causing premature failure. Wire and cable that is listed for only dry locations may become a shock hazard, when energized, after being submerged in water.
The following recommended actions are based upon the concept that the water contains no unusually high concentrations of chemicals, oils, etc. If it is suspected that the water has unusual contaminants, such as may be found in some flood water, the manufacturer should be consulted before any decision is made to continue using any wire or cable products.
Items Requiring Complete Replacement
Any wire or cable that is listed for dry locations only, such as type NM-B cable, should be replaced if it has been submerged in water.
Any cable that contains fillers, such as polypropylene, paper, etc., should be replaced if the ends of the product have been submerged in water.
Items Which May Possibly Be Reconditioned by Trained Personnel in Consultation with Manufacturer
Any wire or cable product that is suitable for wet locations and whose ends have not been submerged should be suitable for use or continued use. A qualified person, such as an electrical contractor or others familiar with wire and cable terminology, should make the determination of the product's suitability for wet locations.
Any wire or cable product, not containing fillers, that is suitable for wet locations and whose ends have been submerged in water, may be considered a candidate for "purging" (using an inert gas under pressure to remove water contained in the product) under engineering supervision. If this procedure is employed, the wire or cable should be tested prior to energization. As a minimum, an insulation resistance test with a megohmmeter should be conducted.