Romex in attics

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Senior Member
Northern Va
Article 334.23 re running romex in attics references Article 320.23 ('05 NEC). For purposes of this article would you consider a pull-down stair as permanent stairs and require guard strips where ever RX crosses a joist in the attic, or only within 6' of the pulldown stairs?
:grin:You have touched on a long time pet peeve. Many years ago electricians in the areas I worked never ran romex across the top of joists in attics except beyond the knee walls. That was then an accepted practice. In the few years I was away from residential construction everyone one in this area had begun to run Romex as the crow flys (and knee walls disappeared). I questioned it with inspectors, supervisors, etc and got no firm answers.
I questioned CMP members at a Southern Section IAEI meeting and the answer was, "next to stapling in attics, 334.23 (320.23) was the most "overlooked" provision of the Code".
After running it up the flagpole many times here, I found what to me was an acceptable answer. In most construction today, the members that make up the attic "floor" are considered ceiling joist and are not floor joists so 320.23 is not applicable.
You and the inspectors in your area may not buy that but it kept me from fighting a loosing battle.
For what it's worth, the TN State Electrical supervision has ruled that the area within 6 ft of a scuttle hole OR pull down stairs is one where Romex must be protected.
I would agree with Bob and Buck. We don't see those a lot around here becuse we use mostly trusses, but they do pop up from time to time.
I like that answer. That's the way we've done it around here for as long as I can remember. But it only takes one inspector with a different point of view to ruin your day.
I like that answer. That's the way we've done it around here for as long as I can remember. But it only takes one inspector with a different point of view to ruin your day.

If your "I like that answer" is in reference to my post.... I don't !
and I wish I had ammo to challange it. I don't noramlly "cow down" but I'm getting old and "pick my battles".... I only posted to give you a point of view...
If your "I like that answer" is in reference to my post.... I don't !
and I wish I had ammo to challange it. I don't noramlly "cow down" but I'm getting old and "pick my battles".... I only posted to give you a point of view...

This issue had several proposals to CMP7 If you are inclined you might comment the process remains open until the 24th (I think)
While I understand the premise I don't like the application of the free-style aspect, were all here to protect the wire...
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