Romex in New hotel construction

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For the 3-storey wood stick hotel construction in Louisiana, we are deciding between romex and mc.

The city has adopted NEC 2005:
Construction Tupe : V - A
Occupancy type : R - 1

The city inspector says if its allowed by the code we may use romex but I would rather be sure.
I went through 224.10/12 but still am confused.

As the other towns around our site has different opinions. We have hotels within 20 miles readius being built with romex and with mc under same code.

can any one put some light for me on this ?

Other structures permitted to be of Types III, IV, and V construction except as prohibited in 334.12.
(02, but I beieve 05 is the same)

Either way there may be other codes locally that prohibit it - you're best to with local AHJ for the correct answer. Just by the NEC alone it would be allowed. And I assume you have noticed that many are not all of the same thinking on the matter?


Thanks e57,
I will speak to local utility department and fire dep as I have already spoken to Building inspector and he seems to give same answer each time that Its okay if NEC 2005 allows it and I am waiting on him to check his code book and confirm it with me.
At same time he tells me If I have reference in the code book for this particular issue then I am welcome to bring it to him and he is more then happy to be helpful.

Lets wait and see what he comes out with rather then trying to explain to him codes :) interpretation.

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