Romex in PVC conduit?

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Smyrna, TN
Apparently you can't buy 10 AWG THHN solid wire by the foot anymore at the big box stores... And you can't get a precut package of it either.
I've read that you are not supposed to strip Romex for pulling thru PVC conduit...
What are people doing?
Is there no exception for stripping Romex?

NM cable conductors are not individually marked so they technically cannot be pulled in a raceway without the outer jacket. Isn't stranded #10 available?
Precuts are expensive, why do you want small lengths when you could just have a spool to cut from!
I don't like running around with full rolls of stuff I don't use much of. I have an 8 foot section of 1 1/4 flex that I'm just waiting for a use for. Had to buy 10ft for the 2ft I needed with no chance of using anything else. Maybe this guy never does ACs or anything in conduit. HVAC guys buy those whips kits all the time because their techs can't fish in liquid tight and it's all packed and ready to go for them.
NM cable conductors are not individually marked so they technically cannot be pulled in a raceway without the outer jacket. Isn't stranded #10 available?
I wonder when a manufacturer is going to get a corner on that market and start marking their individual conductors.
I wonder when a manufacturer is going to get a corner on that market and start marking their individual conductors.
IMO this is just another dumb NEC rule. You must use 90° C conductors when you manufacturer the NM cable but you don't have to tell the user what type of insulation is actually on the conductor. Why not just require that the conductors be THHN/THWN-2 and marked within the cable so we can all end this nonsense of not being able to remove the jacket. We can pull NM cable into a raceway but once we remove the jacket it suddenly becomes a violation. Pretty stupid. :rolleyes:
IMO this is just another dumb NEC rule. You must use 90° C conductors when you manufacturer the NM cable but you don't have to tell the user what type of insulation is actually on the conductor. Why not just require that the conductors be THHN/THWN-2 and marked within the cable so we can all end this nonsense of not being able to remove the jacket.
You'll have to convince UL to change the standard. UL 617 currently says about the insulation that it has to comply with (a) or (b) from 4.4.1, which I partially excerpted below.

I trimmed off the performance requirements listed in 4.4.1(b)(2) for non-jacketed, non-PVC insulation. Those say in part "iii) In accordance with "Physical properties of insulation of thermoplastic other than PVC from Type NM cables" Table in UL 1581." So now I need to go look up UL 1581.

Cheers, Wayne

Screenshot 2023-05-18 080444.png
You'll have to convince UL to change the standard. UL 617 currently says about the insulation that it has to comply with (a) or (b) from 4.4.1, which I partially excerpted below.
All the NEC needs to do is to change the wording in 334.112 to reflect that the conductors need to be individually marked as per something in 310.8.
All the NEC needs to do is to change the wording in 334.112 to reflect that the conductors need to be individually marked as per something in 310.8.
Until UL catches up, that will have the effect of making all commercially available NM cable unusable. Because as the section I excerpted states, various markings are currently prohibited.

Cheers, Wayne
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