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334.2 Definitions

Nonmetallic-Sheathed Cable. A factory assembly of two or more insulated conductors enclosed within an overall nonmetallic jacket.

Type NM. Insulated conductors enclosed within an overall nonmetallic jacket.

Type NMC. Insulated conductors enclosed within an overall, corrosion resistant, nonmetallic jacket.

Type NMS. Insulated power or control conductors with signaling, data, and communications conductors within an overall nonmetallic jacket.
Canadian NMD90 is rated for 300 volts and has a reduced size ground wire in #12 and #10 sizes. I think it's also made without paper filler.
What's the difference between NM/B. NM/Type NMD90. NM/C. NM/S


The suffix B in NMB indicates that the conductors inside are rated at 90 degrees C.

See the informational note to 334.112

Informational Note: Types NM, NMC, and NMS cable identifed
by the markings NM-B, NMC-B, and NMS-B meet this requirement.

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