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Senior Member
ridgewood, n.j.
we had the plans for a commercial store approved by the town. arch. had romex listed as the wire being used. at the rough the inspector tagged it for
using romex in basement . i would bet he is right , i just could not find it in code . can someone show where it is listed in code? thanks for your help.

he said it is a violation to use romex in a commercial basement . wiring was for lights and outlets. everything else with the wiring was ok. i was not at inspection.
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bradleyelectric said:
How do you plan to word the extra you will be charging to change the wire from the wiring method specified in the plan?

There is a very good answer embedded in your question. :) When those plans were filed by the architect and approved by the building department a lot took place.......:) My bet is that romex is allowed provided it is installed using code-compliant wiring methods.
I'm quoting myself from another thread :smile: :
mdshunk said:
Might want to check out 334.10(3) before you start running too many new romex circuits in that building. That section would seem to indicate you can't have any exposed NM cable in a commercial occupancy. 334.12(A)(2) also prohibits it above any non-dwelling suspended ceiling. Article 338 (SE and SER) also refers you back to the same language in 334, so the same goes for SE and SER in a commercial occupancy. It has to be run behind a 15 minute barrier (not exposed).

It sorta stinks for you that this passed plan review. It's pretty clear to me that you can't have any exposed romex in a non-dwelling occupancy.

the commercial property was wired in romex, everything went well untill the inspector went to the basement and told the owner that romex should not have been used in a commercial basement and that the contractor should have known that. we will change it ,after all it is ownened by my son in law, i was just trying to find out if i missed something about using romex in a commercial building. thanks for all the replies.
Nowhere in the code is the term "commercial" used. It is a fallacy that NM cable is not allowed in all commercial environments. The same holds true for 20A minimum circuits in commercial work. It is not specifically required by code because the term "commercial" is nonexistent in the code. However, the article on NM cable is very clear as to uses permitted/not permitted
frogneck77 said:
It is a fallacy that NM cable is not allowed in all commercial environments.
Nobody said that it wasn't allowed. Just not allowed to be exposed in the particular occupancy type we happen to be dealing with in this thread... a commercial occupancy.
I agree 100%, I was just responding to the inspectors statement-"Not allowed in commercial basement". Ive heard many people say commercial this or commercial that when referring to the NEC, and I cant find the word commercial in the code.
To clarify my post #4 I will add that regardless of the wrongful issuance of a permit, the code is still not permitted to be violated. So if, in fact, NM is not permitted it would have to be removed notwithstanding the issuance of the permit. :)
you have to look in the NEC under type NM cable uses permitted and uses not permitted. here you will find out whre you can use Romex or can not use romex.

the NEC hand book FPN 334-10 refers to NFPA 220-1999 for defintions of building types.

334-10 type NM, NMC and type NMS cables shall be permitted to be used in the following:

1. 1-2 family dewllings

2. Multi family dewilings permitted to be types III,IV and V construction execpt as prohibited in334-12.

3. other strutures permited to be of types III,IV and V construction execpt as prohibted in 334-12.

after reading all the responses pointing out the use of romex being exposed in certain construction type buildings makes things alot clearer. i was not at the rough and did't understand about romex not being able to be installed in commercial basements .
again it seems you can always get the help on this site when you're stuck.
thanks alot to you guys!
frogneck77 said:
I agree 100%, I was just responding to the inspectors statement-"Not allowed in commercial basement". Ive heard many people say commercial this or commercial that when referring to the NEC, and I cant find the word commercial in the code.
I'd be interested to know how the inspector would support the above quote: "not allowed in commercial basement." Either there is a building code where the job is located or the inspector has incorporated his own dogmas.
How was the building permitted, with respect to the NFPA 220 Type?
If its a 3, 4 or 5 type it has to be concealed with a thermal barrier . Per 334.10(3).
ther are some area of town that NM are not permitted in commercia. Remember that NEC does not authority, AHJ does. AHJ only follow the "recommendation" of the NEC.
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