Rommex Installation.

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Senior Member
Don't have a lot of experience with rommex, but recently it seems that's all I'm doing.
Anyway, I'm doing a house right now and I have 2-3 drops that I have to bring on the outside.
If I understand the code correctly, we can not, any longer just bring the rommex out and sleeve it through a conduit (cause apparently rommex is not outdoor rated, and even inside a conduit it would still be considered "outdoor" SIC)
So My question is this: The wires in the rommex are THHN? right? And THHN is outdoor use, so apparently is the sheath that is not? So if I strip the rommex to the point where it enters the conduit (still inside), put a connector on the conduit, a threaded coupling and a rommex connector, then install the wires WITHOUT the sheath into the conduit? Would that be code?
The wires in Romex are insulated conductors that meet the listing requirements only. They are not THHN or THWN, etc. and not by themselves rated as building wire and not necessarily for damp or wet locations.
Oh well, I was afraid of that. Guess I'm just gonna install a J box close to the exterior wall, flex it into an LB outside and run THHN. Box will be accessible, hard to access, but accessible.
However I could swear the southwire (least) rommex has the individual wire rated THHN (gonna have to check it again)

The wires in Romex are insulated conductors that meet the listing requirements only. They are not THHN or THWN, etc. and not by themselves rated as building wire and not necessarily for damp or wet locations.
The wires in Romex are insulated conductors that meet the listing requirements only. They are not THHN or THWN, etc. and not by themselves rated as building wire and not necessarily for damp or wet locations.

What if a certain inspector was busy with a fresh cup of Starbucks and a hot cinnamon roll when he got to the conduit?:D
However I could swear the southwire (least) rommex has the individual wire rated THHN (gonna have to check it again)
Nope, they don't. Why would a manufacturer cut their own throat, they want you to buy more products.

Oh well, I was afraid of that. Guess I'm just gonna install a J box close to the exterior wall, flex it into an LB outside and run THHN. Box will be accessible, hard to access, but accessible.
However I could swear the southwire (least) rommex has the individual wire rated THHN (gonna have to check it again)

You cannot run THHN in a raceway outside either.
Thanks for noting the technicality, but in case you haven't noticed all the THHN wire is rated THW, THHW, TW, etc, etc (the writing is like 2 feet long as well) as well.
I've only been in the trade for 23 years, that's the only THHN i ever knew (the one has all other ratings), so when I call it THHN that's what I meant.

You cannot run THHN in a raceway outside either.
Around here we are not allowed to accept a cup of coffee let alone a hole cinnamin roll!

You ever work in NYC? Work environment is paranoid. Encourages electricians and inspectors to be adversaries, distrust each other.
Wrong way. Electrician and inspector should be working to the same goal (create safe, reliable system civilian occupant can rely on).
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