Roof anchor bonding

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Senior Member
Louisville, KY
I was talking to a carpenter friend of mind and he asked me a question. It seems they are working on a house with a roof pitch of 12,12 pretty steep. Anyway they are installing permanent anchoring points on the roof so they can tie off to these points as they work on this roof. Like I said they will be permanent and when not being used they will be covered with a rubber boot. They are of course made of steel and will be bolted to the rafters. His question to me was should these anchoring points be bonded to the grounding electrode system? Could they act like air terminals? What is everyone's opinion?


Edit for spelling

[ July 12, 2005, 10:28 AM: Message edited by: kevinware ]


Master Electrician Electric Contractor Richmond VA
Henrico County, VA
Electrical Contractor
Re: Roof anchor bonding

I'd say that they're not likely to become energized, and lightning hitting them would be seeking another pathway to earth anyway.

Air terminals function most often by reducing the likelyhood of a lightning strike, not by providing a current pathway to earth.
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