rope lights

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Senior Member
I have a HO who wants to install rope lights to accent the ceiling,the ceiling is dropped down two foot off the wall and raised in the center the finished center will have a 1 1/2 grown mold with the rope lights behind it the owner does not want a receptacle behind the mold becase it might be seen I only have the 1 1/2 mold to hide behind anyone got a code compliant way?
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I agree the sillites recep. They work very well but you need a 1 3/4" bit. I bought a nice self feed bit for the job and use the bit for nothing but those recep.

Cool.....These sill lights are kinda like a mini version of Carlon floor boxes I have installed. Haven't seen them around here but I will check into it. Definately worth stocking a couple on the truck.
480sparky said:
ive installed the window candle brand before. low voltage at the window and you slide the candle in place. home runs to the basement to a box with a transformer in it. i put a t101 with the load side going to a switch then back down to the transformer. works pretty nice. sorry to change topic a little. i never knew they made the 120 volt are they tamper resistant? :grin:
electricalperson said:
ive installed the window candle brand before. low voltage at the window and you slide the candle in place. home runs to the basement to a box with a transformer in it. i put a t101 with the load side going to a switch then back down to the transformer. works pretty nice. sorry to change topic a little. i never knew they made the 120 volt are they tamper resistant? :grin:

No they are not tamper resistant yet but they are working on it right now. They hope to have them by June or so.
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