Rotation change of motor

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A 1-ph, 110V AC motor, capacitor start, induction run, changes its direction of rotation in it's own. The motor rotates in clock-wise direction, say for 3 or 4 times then rotates in anti-clock-wise direction. No change in connection done. What may be the reason? & solution ?
A 1-ph, 110V AC motor, capacitor start, induction run, changes its direction of rotation in it's own. The motor rotates in clock-wise direction, say for 3 or 4 times then rotates in anti-clock-wise direction. No change in connection done. What may be the reason? & solution ?

For whatever reason, the starting winding is not doing its job.
1. Check the starting cap. It may be either open or shorted, or it may just have changed its value significantly.
2. Meter the start and run windings.
3. The centrifugal switch for the start winding may be sticking open until it has been "shaken" closed by a few rotations. (See if banging hard on the motor before turning it on makes a difference.)
4. Is there a noticeable change in the motor sound at the time it changes direction?
5. Which rotation direction is the correct one?
What is driven load? If it is a fan or other load that can "windmill" when not running it could be rotating the wrong way before energizing and once the centrifugal switch is opened it will never even attempt to go the other direction.
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