Roto Rooter Duct bank conduit

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Red Wiggler

Senior Member
I believe I have read in the past about people using a Roto-Rooter company to "smooth" out a bad spot in a Duct Bank conduit. Has anyone had any experience with this method?

I have one empty 4" conduit that is part of a 12 conduit ductbank that was damaged by a plumber using a jack-hammer (I can't believe it either). Our See-Snake shows a spot where the jack- hammer bit penetrated the 4" pvc conduit. There are some jagged edges that could harm the conductors when they are pulled in. Do you think a Roto-Rooter would smooth out the bad spots?

If not I will need to jack-hammer out the concrete and repair the conduit.

I was told that Utility companies have used Roto-Rooters in the past to repair their duct banks, but I cannont substantiate this information.


Senior Member
I think it's best to open it up an fix it, if the plumber confessed they can pay. If you use Roto Rooter I would think the hole might be without ridges but it'll be bigger and this will be where the dirt will poor in.


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New York
Master Elec./JW retired
We used roto- rooter to fish when ice was in the pipe; I would dig up and repair thge pipe. I am sure the plumber would rather pay for that than the new wire if you do not fix it.
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